
Find out how Rahul wound up working remotely for Product Hunt 🙀. Also he has a really unique coffee ritual ☕️

February 19, 2019

Works remotely for Product Hunt.

⚡️ Quickfire Round

Where is your current homebase ?

I’m living with my parents in Chennai.

Where have you travelled/lived after working remotely?

I have traveled to a couple of places like Paris, Sofia, Singapore, Thailand, SF & LA. Usually, I stay for 10 days.

Highest education qualification ?

B.E. Computer Science & Engineering


Full Stack Developer

What is your family/friends reaction to remote working on a scale of 1-5 (where 1-negative and 5-very positive)

They are happy about my work so it’s a 5.

How much do you earn per annum?

I guess there is no use in sharing this but it’s definitely a good amount!

Years of total experience ?

Been coding since 10th grade but professionally it’s 1+ year

Years of freelance/remote experience ?

1+ year.

When I think about the ability to work freelance/remotely, I feel ____

It’s a great opportunity with little drawbacks.

What was your key motivation for being freelancer/remote work

I’m an accidental remote worker. Wasn’t looking for remote jobs.

🔥 Fireside Chat

How did you land your current remote job ?

I liked Product Hunt & its team from when I was in college. I was an active user, was reporting a couple of bugs/feedback to Ryan & team. During my mid-sem, I pinged Ryan & Andreas to see if there was an intern role but unfortunately, there wasn’t any.

Then I finished my course and decided not to look for any job because I wanted to start a company(childhood dream & still is) so I was working on some side projects & was freelancing for a New York company. Months passed & one day I got a DM from Ryan stating that there is a junior role open and asked if I wanted to give it a try.

I said YES 😄.

Do you have any rituals or habits which help you to work remotely?

Nothing special but I start my day by meditating & going to the gym. Around noon will start working. Some days I will follow the Pomodoro technique to work and I pretty much use Todoist to list all my tasks ✅

What advice would you give to someone who is out there looking for a remote job or freelance work?

I might not be the right person to answer this because I wasn’t looking for a remote job and didn’t have any plan for getting one. But in general, I would say these are the main things required in a remote job:

  • Good work ethic & focus.
  • Good communication.
  • Ability to make decisions.

What is the biggest benefit of working remotely?

For me, the benefits are zero or less commute, work from anywhere or travel & more time with family/friends.

Do you see any challenges of working remotely and how do you try to overcome it ?

Remote work has some challenges like loneliness, distraction and when to stop for the day. For loneliness, I would say we can go to some co-working space or coffee shop. For distraction or when to stop working have fixed work hours and give you 100% during that time then go and have some fun!

Where can people can find you on the internet (if they have more questions)?

You can find me using @rahulmfg on both twitter and instagram 🙂

Abhishek Bose

Abhishek Bose

Creator of RemoteIndian community

Community for remote workers in India 👨‍💻🇮🇳👩‍💻 that enables Indian professionals to help each other navigate, balance and grow in a remote career.

  • Credits
  • ❤️  This site has been heavily inspired by Roadmap.sh
  • 🤗  The information present in the guides is courtesy our slack community
  • 🙌  Last but not the least, Thank you patrons for your support!